415: Rae Wilkinson, RHS Chatsworth 2019

The Sodshow, Garden Podcast - Sod Show - A podcast by Peter Donegan, Sodshow.com

Rae Wilkinson is an award winning Garden and Landscape designer based in Sussex and working throughout London, the South East and beyond. Originally from an Arts background, Rae worked as a landscaper with some top landscape designers on hard then soft landscaping and garden maintenance for over ten years prior to qualifying and working as a garden designer herself in 2007. Her style combines sophistication with a sculptural, naturalistic feel, while a developed sense of sustainability and inspired planting are key to her creative approach to the landscape.  Rae has completed two award winning RHS show gardens at Hampton Court and is currently working on a variety of exciting residential and commercial schemes. The ‘Space Within’ garden is a biophilic meditation space in which to escape the hectic outside world for a moment of calm within nature. The moon gate climber curtain represents a portal from the busy outside world, through which the visitor passes to the space within. The central space symbolises the healing, tranquil space found within during meditation, whilst providing a space within which to attain this. A mini forest references Shinrin -yoku and the healing power of being amongst trees and forest bathing to enable wellbeing. Textural foliage which travels up the walls and brings the positive green element associated with biophilia, which is much needed within modern urban living. www.raewilkinson.com Twitter: @WilkinsonRae Instagram: : @WilkinsonRae The Sodshow is available every week in iTunes, sotify and all good podcast stores. The Sodshow: Twitter: @sodshow facebook: The Sodshow instagram: sodshow