How My Team of 11 Reps Generated an Extra 3.2 Million in Sales in 72 Hours with a Results Driven Contest

The Solarpreneur - A podcast by Taylor Armstrong


Tune in now and don't forget to sign up for []! Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bringing the top solar dogs, the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro and closing more deals. What is a Solarpreneur you might ask a Solarpreneur is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one. All right, Speaker 2 (02:01): Welcome back everybody. If you guys are not familiar with me, my name is James Swiderski. I was one of the, uh, original co-hosts and guests of the Solarpreneur podcast. You guys are listening to. I helped Taylor build this up a few years back. Some of you may know me from my sales training program. I used to have called the Solar Spartan system, which is now uploaded for free, or my marketing agencies, Solarpreneur. I've been in the industry for about six years now at this point, I've owned and operated my own solar company, um, marketing as well, sales training, and, uh, Ben really an integral part of every aspect of this industry. And one thing has remained consistent throughout my career within solar. And that is training solar reps. I've trained over a thousand solar reps at this point directly, not just through videos or podcasts like this. Speaker 2 (02:56): I've actually been in the room training, sitting with reps, working with them through their mindset issues, their tactics, going out on the doors with them, listening to their calls and coaching them with over a thousand different reps. And the purpose of this series train to win is to put out some content for you. Business owners specifically, um, this podcast has primarily catered towards reps, right? And yes, we've thrown into marketing strategies and whatnot in here, but there has not been any, any specific content for how to actually train and scale a sales team, which is what I have been doing personally for the better part of six years. I've trained and scaled teams, upwards of eight figures per year. My own sales team. I'm managing over a hundred reps at one point, and I've got a couple of tactics and strategies I want to talk about over the next coming months, um, within this podcast format here. Speaker 2 (03:53): So if you like this type of content, keep tuning in, you're going to see train to win on each podcast episode. And it's going to be primarily for business owners, VPs, directors, anybody who's managing and growing a sales team. Now let's dive into today's topic and my case study and story I want to talk about here. This is stuff that I have really only taught with my personal clients. I'm working with some of the largest solar companies in the country. Um, this is stuff that I have not actually legally been able to share. I know this sounds like marketing hype and whatnot, but this is stuff I have not actually been able to share because of contract rule like obligations and, uh, privacy with clients and whatnot. And I couldn't share the exact case studies and things like that. And quite frankly, it's stuff that I wanted to keep for myself when I was operating a company a few years back, but the table is, have quite literally turned and things are different now. Speaker 2 (04:52): And I could come out and talk about some of these strategies for you to benefit and implement within your company. So the $3.2 million weekend sounds like a