How to Organically Grow Your Social Media Following - Brock Johnson

The Solarpreneur - A podcast by Taylor Armstrong


Tune in now and don't forget to sign up for! Speaker 1 (00:03): Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bringing the top solar dogs, the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro and closing more deals. What is a Solarpreneur you might ask a Solarpreneur is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery. And you are about to become what's up Solarpreneurs, Taylor Armstrong. Back with another episode, Speaker 2 (00:45): I am stoked today because we have a guest that we have been trying to schedule for a while. Now. He was, he is high level high profile. I've been following him for a long time. And he was one of, I would say the people that got me into kind of online marketing online lead gen taught me a ton about, um, hiring people from our teams. So I got to thank you today. We have a Brock Johnson on the show Brock. Thanks for coming on with us today. Yeah, absolutely. Taylor, thank you so much for having me. I'm happy to finally be here. Yeah, I'm stoked. And, um, Brock I brought one of your, I bought one year, uh, first courses you made on a Snapchat. I don't even know if you remember that it's been awhile since way back, way back, about four or five, maybe even six years ago now. Speaker 2 (01:31): Totally. So that was, um, that was one of the coolest courses. I'm like, wow, this has got a Snapchat guru. Who's teaching guys, delay dance, do all these crazy things on Snapchat. And um, yeah, it's I got a thank you got a ton of value from that course. And thank you. And, uh, yeah, I've been continuing to follow you and your mom, so you guys host a podcast together and um, do you want to tell us just kind of your background Brock, how you got into, um, being like an Instagram expert that you are and kind of how things evolved from your early Snapchat days? Sure, absolutely. So, yeah, I got my start back in like 2016, 2017, uh, teaching. This is gonna sound crazy to say now, but I was actually originally teaching moms how to keep their kids safe on Snapchat. Uh, back in like 2016, 2017, Snapchat was as popular as something like Tik Tok is today. Speaker 2 (02:24): It was wildly popular. Um, and with the whole disappearing messaging thing, there was just like a lot of fear going around related to Snapchat. And so that's where I created. My very first course was teaching parents kind of basically how to use Snapchat and then some tips on like how to keep their kids safe on the app. Um, that very quickly evolved into the course that you said you were a student of, which is like how to market and grow a business using Snapchat because very quickly influencers and business owners and network marketers and direct sellers, they were realizing that, Hey, you could monetize this social media following. People could Speaker 3 (03:00): Build on Snapchat, not too long after that. Instagram released Instagram stories and a mass exit is from Snapchat, happened to everyone, left Snapchat for Instagram. And I went with them, um, and I spent the next year or two really honing my skills on Instagram, growing my own following very organically, figuring out like what strategies work, what strategies don't work. Um, and now here we are about three or four years later. Um, and that's what I do full-time. So now full-time I teach people, I teach business owners, network marketers, entrepreneurs, how to organically grow their Instagram, following how to do it the right way with the least amount of time possible and not just, you know,