Whoever Cares Less, Wins the Sale

The Solarpreneur - A podcast by Taylor Armstrong


Speaker 1 (00:03): Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bringing the top solar dogs, the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro and closing more deals. What is a Solarpreneur you might ask a Solarpreneur is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery. And you are about to become what's up. Solarpreneurs Taylor, I'm Sean here with another Speaker 2 (00:45): Episode, helping you conquer the solar industry. One deal at a time, and as always, we're here to help you make it easier to close your deals, easier to get referrals and easier to have success in this great industry. So I am back from Mexico. Have you heard the past, uh, was that a week and a half ago? I was down chewing I'm part of the wire I'm back the first week. I'm back to selling last week. And I will say, um, something that has always been an issue for me is just getting back into that flow of things when I'm gone. I know everyone struggles with it. Um, when I first started in pest control, I remember I took a week. I think it was a little over a week off to go on a cruise with my family. And, um, for those that have done summer sells, you know that if you take a week off in the middle of the summer, when you're only out there for 10 weeks or so, um, I guess more than that, but you know, three and a half, four months taking a week off can just kill your sels. Speaker 2 (01:51): So it's no different in solar. I mean, I'm doing this year around, but you got to get strategic with how you're taking things off and use those things as a motivation to push even harder. What I did that helped me a lot is I use this trip. I knew I had planned. I tried to push as hard as possible and luckily it helped motivate me. It helped me push harder than I would have. So I didn't let it affect myself before, but coming back, um, I'll be honest. It was sort of an issue last week. I struggled heading in as many appointments as I wanted to, um, only gotten I think three or so makes it tough to close if you're not getting in the amount of appointments that you need to. So have a plan. If you are taking time off, have a plan for before, and then after the trip, what are you going to do? Speaker 2 (02:41): How are you going to find that extra motivation to push hard? When you get back? It's a lesson I was reminded of. And now this week I'm ready to grind hard again. So what I wanted to go through this week that I knew it was going to help you Solarpreneurs out, um, have a little story. I was out on the weekend. I was at an appointment with one of our newer reps and some of these newer guys, they turn this, this game of sells and this sort of like a begging thing. How hard can you beg to get the customer to do your bidding? And we're with an older, um, older guy in his home he'd been in there forever. He actually lived with his mom. His mom was like in his nineties, he was in his like sixties. And what happened is they weren't really interested, um, in letting us inside the house, we had to kind of boil airway inside the home to get and do the presentation. Speaker 2 (03:45): And once we got gnome, he's like, man, I never let people inside the house. And then the mom pipes in and says, Hey, we're not signing up for anything. We don't want to do any home improvements. So at that point I knew it was going to be an uphill battle because she was technically the owner of the home, even though she was super old, wasn't really making many decisions for the home at that point. But the mistake we made and I sorta let the newer rep, um, you know, take more control, which I probably shou