Unlocking the Puzzle of Personality with the Enneagram
The Soul of Life - A podcast by Keith Miller
Today I speak with Michael Goldberg, author of The 9 Ways of Working: How to use the the Enneagram to Discover Your Natural Strengths and Work More Effectively "The enneagram—while it’s about individual personality types—it’s really about a pathway through life, where are you?" I share with Michael the results of me taking a 20-minute online Enneagram test and we practice some armchair psychology, talking about Jeff Bezos and Oprah’s personality types. And Michael delves into how he’s examining some of our culture’s ancient stories through the lens of the Enneagram in a book he’s writing that includes the Old Testament story of Jacob, and the Greek story of Medusa. "It certainly gets harder—when we’re in survival mode—to remember that we’re magical beings." Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulOfLifeShow or Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoulofLifeShow Want to book Keith as a guest on your podcast? Contact him at [email protected]. ***7-Week Stress Reduction & Relationship Growth Course*** If you and your significant other are looking for ways to improve communication and strengthen your partnership, there is still time to enroll in my upcoming live 7-Week Mindfulness and IFS course, called Mindful Marriage. Partners of any kind are welcome. It's a one-of-a-kind offering that can truly transform how you show up in intimacy. For more information visit: https://community.souloflifeshow.com/