episode 10: creating sacred moments through ritual - a conversation with julia nethersole, celebrant & ritual artisan
the soulful business podcast with stella habib - A podcast by the soulful entrepreneur

in this episode i engage in a conversation with julia nethersole - celebrant & ritual artisan. she gives deep feelers permission to be witnessed through intentional reflection, rituals, ceremony, and gatherings. i chose to invite julia to this conversation because she entered my life, not too long ago, and I realized that we are kindred spirits. we first became aware of one another on Instagram - likely through mutual connections - and about a year ago, i felt the nudge to ask her out for a tea, in my attempt to emerge from my introverted shell. in the short time that we have developed our connection, we have discovered that we have an uncanny amount of things in common: to name but a few, we are both Leos, in relationships with virgos, projectors in human design, attended mcgill university just a year apart, live in the same unit number and are obsessed with brass and gold jewelry. in recent months, i have been supporting her in traversing transition in her business as she has been supporting me in creating an intimate gathering to welcome our soon to be baby - and while the latter didn’t turn out as anticipated, i’m excited to engage in this conversation to share more from her reflective perspective. in this episode, we discuss: • who julia is and how she would describe her essence, • what her business, glass full, started as and how much space it takes up in her life, • how having a full-time job impacts her relationship with glass full, • what her vision for glass full could be as a full-time entity and what remains unclear, • how she defines ‘self-care’ and why it differs from how must people perceive it, • why intentionality should be at the root of all self-care practices to support a holistic state of being well, • how glass full is evolving beyond a self-care community and how that mirrors her personal evolution, • what it means to be a deep feeler and how she supports deep feelers in being witnessed during life’s transitional milestones, • how she defines ‘ritual’ and ‘sacred’ and what is sacred in how she co-creates with others, • what themes have been present in the sacred moments she has co-created with her clients how it relates to her life, • why she is embarking on a sacred pilgrimage with her mother and grandmother as an intentional walk towards motherhood and • what she wishes for glass full in the future. to learn more about julia and her intentional offerings, i invite you to visit her website www.glassfull.ca and follow her on instagram at www.instagram.com/glass.full.