episode 8: the inevitable need to adapt to change in business
the soulful business podcast with stella habib - A podcast by the soulful entrepreneur

once you have run your business for a few (or several) years, it’s not uncommon to reach a point where you start to feel like it’s not quite serving you in the way that it used to. as you sit with that realization you may decide that it’s time to make some changes, but actually following through with those changes requires a significant amount of effort and courage, so you linger within the confines of your comfort zone - sticking to the familiarity of what you know. and while that approach may work, for a while, eventually your internal disconnect will start to starve your soul of the spark it needs to sustain itself, impacting not just you, but those that you serve. this is a solo episode during which i discuss: • how change is natural and inevitable yet something we avoid, • why strategy is dynamic, not static, and requires adaptation following action, • why the emotional reaction of fixating on 'failure' throws us off course, • how to reframe 'failure' when observing outcomes to keep failure within perspective, • what a 'pivot' is in the conventional business world, why the definition is incomplete for solopreneurs and how to more powerfully define it and • what pivoting entails and examples of how i have had to pivot in my business. at the end of the episode, i guide you through a short visualization and follow with a collection of reflection questions to help you begin to navigate a pivot in your business and understand why your needs are such an important part of the equation for change. i also mention a self-guided strategic offering, that is currently under development, which you can learn more about here: https://www.thesoulfulentrepreneur.ca/the-soulful-business-strategy-course.