S7,E19: 11/01/10 (The Radio Dept., Junip, Elvis Perkins, The Go! Team, The Ruby Suns, Symphony of Science (feat. Carl Sagan, Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, et al.), Ben Folds)
The Sounds in My Head - A podcast by Daniel
01. The Radio Dept. - The New Improved Hypocrisy
02. Junip - Always
03. Junip - Off Point
04. Elvis Perkins - Shampoo
05. Elvis Perkins - Hey
06. The Go! Team - Templates from Home (feat. The Penan Tribe)
07. The Ruby Suns - Don't Trust the Dusty Fruit (feat. The Babongo Tribe)
08. Symphony of Science - A Glorious Dawn
09. Symphony of Science - We are All Connected
10. Ben Folds (lyrics by Nick Hornby) - Your Dogs
This episode features clips from Survival International's Uncontacted Tribes series of videos. (Feel free to donate money to this great organization.) And also from director Michael Marantz's Earth - The Pale Blue Dot a video featuring Carl Sagan offering an optimistic, science-based philosophy about human's place in the universe.