079 - Nutrition, Parenting, Schooling and More - Elements of Owning Your Life with Sascha Kalivoda
The Sovereign Collective - A podcast by Sascha Kalivoda

Yep! This time it's me!This is an interview that I did for the Freedom, Family and Finances Summit this summer with Jennifer Fraser.And next week, Wed. Oct. 2nd, I'm on a live Q&A panel around Health and Sovereignty with Jason Christoff and Jonathan Baynes who are both forging their freedom paths.Register here so you can get in on it: https://freedomfamilyandfinances.com/optin-7849?am_id=sascha1263In this interview I get to share my opinions and philosophies on many subjects, including nutrition, supplementation, parenting, schooling and more.I seem to have a lot of opinions :)Actually, these are all aspects that go into knowing who we are and raising kids who are rooted in themselves, who know how to question, spot patterns, problem solve and just generally have the capacity for joy, self-fulfillment and critical thinking.All good traits in m book:)Also, this whole event is available again for a free replay from Oct. 3-5, so be sure to sign up for that as well and get access to the free interviews.In this episode, I talk about:How true holistic health and nutrition looks at all aspects of your lifeHow many no longer have original access to their birthright of knowledge, health and know-howThe cycles that we used to adhere to as a result of necessity which could serve us to connect back intoMy big learning that I am not here to convince anyone and to help those who are looking to help themselvesMy views on supplements and why we need to address the fundamental basics before jumping ahead and how supplements don't make up for poor choicesCommon symptoms of our modern societyHow our symptoms are often our healing and how we need to re-perspective what we believe sickness to beHow our perceptions of the events in our lives can affect our physical bodyHow long term suppression of symptoms is not the answer to healingThe origin of the name of this podcastHow becoming a mama changed my life and inspired the creationg of my program Your Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting GuideElements to consider when becoming a parent to support the raising of healthy childrenWhy we should bring more consciousness to bringing children into this worldThe importance of being a witness and advocate for your childrenHow tech is getting in the way of our children knowing themselvesSome of my views of EMFsThe importance of not sleeping in a wifi zoneHow children in Alberta are no longer allowed cell phones in the classroomWhy we never put our son in schoolHow the origins of the public school system was never benevolentHow the schools don't assess and recognize the broad range of skills and talents that support practicality in lifeHow homeschooling allows for structuring the day according to your child's unique needsThe many benefits of homeschoolingThe importance of maintaining connection with your teenage kidsThe importance of raising children rooted in themselves and who do not seek outside approvalThe importance of getting out of victim mentality for self-realizationCorrection - how my parents came here when my older brother was 2How my mama with her innate wisdom is one of my best inspirationsand more!If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to www.sovereigncollective.org/shop to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time.Stay tuned for the Telegram channel my husband are starting!Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saschaksays/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saschakalivoda/You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@saschasaysBitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Tfl1Zo021FcX----------------------------------------------------------Are you concerned about the future of our children?The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here:http://www.sovereigncollective.org/gettheguideEmail me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org