Puzzles and Gobblers: The SWCA Podcast, Blog Log Pod Episode 8

The Star Wars Collectors Archive Podcast - A podcast by [email protected]


This episode features Kenner Puzzles in the US and Canada from 1977 to 1979. Ron Salvatore joins to discuss his article and Canada’s greatest know-it-all Scott! Bradley Bradley jumps in to talk about the Canadian versions. We learn about the mysterious disappearing rebels from the medal ceremony, the meaning of “electric mauve” and Canadian food promotion featuring monstrous gobblers. All this plus a little discussion of the Archive Party at the end of the show on the eighth “Blog Log Pod.” 06:31 Common Misconceptions about Kenner in 1977 09:40 Irwin toys selection process 10:17 Why no Indiana Jones in Canada 11:45 Kenner Board Games (and why Ron hates them) 13:41 Skye’s Gazebo Story 16:10 Electric Mauve! (Puzzle talk begins in earnest) 18:10 Second Series Puzzle 21:42 Kenner Sucked at non-Toy products 25:26 Kenner needed more photos! 27:14 The Problematic Space Battle Puzzle 28:50 The Victory Celebration. Disappearing rebels. 38:43 Where were these things made? 42:23 Which Star Wars Scene represents Online Dating? 45:55 Hard to Collect? 46:26 Luke and Leia Weird Image 47:30 Banta! Banta! 47:58 Corridor of Lights (A new focus is born!) 51:47 Canadian Puzzles Discussion begins 52:58 Irwin Sucked at non-Toy products 53:50 Canadian exclusive puzzles (Stormtroppers) 55:03 Boring Canadian Exclusive Puzzle 55:43 Death Star Exclusive Puzzle 57:26 1995 Han Penis-finger Puzzle 58:07 Skye’s inevitable language segment 01:00:28 Irwin Breaks the Language Law! 01:02:28 Alpha-Getti Gobbler and Promotion 1:09:05 Schneider’s Bacon and Wieners Promotion in Canada 1:17:00 Archive Party IV Details