#56 - Dr. Chris Kulp - Machine Learning and the Big Data Revolution!
The State of The Universe - A podcast by Brendan Drachler
Episode 56 of The State of The Universe features Dr. Chris Kulp. Dr. Chris Kulp is a Professor of Physics at Lycoming College and an expert in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. He also specializes in machine learning. In this episode, Brendan and Dr. Kulp discuss machine learning, how we can teach computers to think on their own, artificial intelligence, how your data is being used, how big data enables the future of machine learning, and a bunch more! Figure out how much your data is worth at https://ig.ft.com/how-much-is-your-personal-data-worth/. Ask us questions in the comments below and we will answer them! If you enjoyed this episode, leave a rating and a review on Apple Podcasts or whatever platform you listen on. Consider becoming a Patron by subscribing at https://www.patreon.com/thestateoftheuniverse or considering supporting the show via a one time donation at https://www.paypal.me/drachler. For more episodes or information about "The State of The Universe with Brendan Drachler" visit thestateoftheuniverse.com or follow Brendan on Twitter and Instagram @BrendanDrachler. The music in this episode can be found at https://freebeats.io/.