Ep. 105: “Careers in Science” Featuring Dr. Kiki Sanford

The Stem Cell Podcast - A podcast by The Stem Cell Podcast - Tuesdays

Guest The Stem Cell Podcast and STEMCELL Technologies introduce the first interview in a new series called, "Alternative Science Careers."  For the first part of this series, we are pleased to interview the host of our very own Stem Cell Podcast, Dr. Kiki Sanford. Featured Resource: Organoid Research Resources and Links In New Budget, Graduate Student Taxes Could Go Up – This editorial reports that many graduate students would face a tax hike under a clause in the federal-tax-reform bill passed by the US House of Representatives. More People Now Have High Blood Pressure after New Guidelines – According to this article, nearly half of U.S. adults now have high blood pressure, thanks to a new definition of what constitutes high: 130/80 is the new 140/90. 15,000 Scientists Signed a "Warning to Humanity" – Thousands of scientists from all around the world have come together to issue another "warning to humanity" about the unprecedented threats that we as a species, and more importantly our planet as a whole, are currently facing. Scientists Can Make Things Invisible?! – Top scientists from Ben-Gurion University have come up with a cloaking device that scatters light away from an object so it cannot be detected. Genetic Manipulation to Enhance Neurogenesis – A team of researchers at the Cologne Excellence Cluster for Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD) has now found an efficient way for cells to spontaneously differentiate into neurons by silencing one single protein with the gene-editing method CRISPR. Direct Differentiation into Blood Brain Barrier Cells – This article reports that researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison detail a defined, step-by-step process to make a more exact mimic of the human blood-brain barrier in the laboratory dish. Space Station to Host Stem Cells for Cardiac Research – Researchers at Emory University School of Medicine and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta have been using space-simulation machines to enhance the ability of pluripotent stem cells to turn into cardiac muscle cells but now they – or the cells they've carefully cultured, will get the chance to try the real thing on the International Space Station. Using VEGF to Increase Survival of Stem Cells – The authors show an experimental approach to improve therapeutic efficacy of proangiogenic cells for the treatment of ischemic diseases. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Kiki Sanford #footable_5807 { font-family: inherit; font-size: 14px; } #footable_parent_5807 thead { display: none; } #footable_parent_5807 a.nt_edit_link { display: none; } #footable_parent_5807 td { border-color: #fff; } #footable_parent_5807 img { margin-top: 0px; } .semantic_ui .ui.table { border: 0px solid !important; } .semantic_ui .ui.table td { padding: 0em; } #footable_5808 { font-family: inherit; font-size: 14px; } thead { display: none; } #footable_parent_5808 a.nt_edit_link { display: none; } #footable_parent_5808 td { border-color: #fff; } #footable_parent_5808 img { margin-top: 0px; } .semantic_ui .