Ep. 27: MS and Stem Cells Featuring Dr. Valentina Fossati

The Stem Cell Podcast - A podcast by The Stem Cell Podcast - Tuesdays

Guest: Dr. Valentina Fossati from the New York Stem Cell Foundation, talks about her recent publication using iPSCs to generate the oligodendrocytes, the cells that myelinate neurons and its implications for multiple sclerosis. Resources and Links Vaccines—Calling the Shots Study Finds Blood Type and Memory Loss Link Textbook Theory Behind Volcanoes May Be Wrong UV Light Can Turn Gene Into Source of Skin Cancers, Researchers Find UCLA Biologists Delay The Aging Process By ‘Remote Control’ Eating Habits, Body Fat Related To Differences In Brain Chemistry Can Sleep Loss Affect Your Brain Size? First Neanderthal Rock Engraving Found in Gibraltar Composition of Earth’s mantle revisited thanks to research at Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source Marijuana Compound May Offer Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disease, USF Preclinical Study Finds Neuroscientists Reverse Memories’ Emotional Associations Scripps Research Institute Scientists Link Alcohol-Dependence Gene to Neurotransmitter Estrogens Stimulate Serotonin Neurons to Inhibit Binge-Like Eating In Mice Physically Fit Kids Have Beefier Brain White Matter Than Their Less-Fit Peers Sexually Dimorphic RB Inactivation Underlies Mesenchymal Glioblastoma Prevalence in Males FDA-Approved Drug Restores Hair in Patients with Alopecia Areata Obituary: Yoshiki Sasai 1962–2014 Nature Reviewers Not Persuaded by Initial STAP Stem Cell Papers Japanese Woman Is First Recipient of Next-Generation Stem Cells Resetting Transcription Factor Control Circuitry toward Ground-State Pluripotency in Human Diabetes Researchers Find Faster Way to Create Insulin-Producing Cells Stem Cells Help Researchers Understand How Schizophrenic Brains Function The Developmental Potential of iPSCs Is Greatly Influenced by Reprogramming Factor Selection Conversion of Human Fibroblasts into Monocyte-Like Progenitor Cells Adult Hepatocytes Are Generated by Self-Duplication Rather than Stem Cell Differentiation Chemical Conversion of Human Fibroblasts into Functional Schwann Cells Efficient Generation of Myelinating Oligodendrocytes from Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Patients by Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Valentina Fossati #footable_5807 { font-family: inherit; font-size: 14px; } #footable_parent_5807 thead { display: none; } #footable_parent_5807 a.nt_edit_link { display: none; } #footable_parent_5807 td { border-color: #fff; } #footable_parent_5807 img { margin-top: 0px; } .semantic_ui .ui.table { border: 0px solid !important; } .semantic_ui .ui.table td { padding: 0em; } #footable_5808 { font-family: inherit; font-size: 14px; } thead { display: none; } #footable_parent_5808 a.nt_edit_link { display: none; } #footable_parent_5808 td { border-color: #fff; } #footable_parent_5808 img { margin-top: 0px; } .semantic_ui .ui.table { border: 0px solid !important; } .semantic_ui .ui.table td {