Don’t give in to fashion imposter syndrome
The Style Stories Podcast - A podcast by Personal Stylist Lisa Gillbe
Clothes should bring you joy, make you feel good about yourself, boost your confidence and help to make life more fun! Why then is it that so many people are too scared to wear things that aren't plain or 'safe' and when they do wear something glamorous, feel like they are being a show off in some way. This is why so many people end up in a style rut, wearing the same safe styles of clothes over and over again when they could be looking and feeling far more fabulous! Life is too short for boring clothes. This episode is all about fashion imposter syndrome and how to break away from that, be brave and enjoy your wardrobe more. Grab my course here at the special price of £27. Follow me on Instagram here: #stylish40s #styleandfashion40andover #midlifepodcast