Feeling Lost with Your Style Right Now? Here’s what to do

The Style Stories Podcast - A podcast by Personal Stylist Lisa Gillbe


Lots of us are going back to offices, back to social events and venturing out now that lockdown is easing off. Are you someone who hates shopping or feels full of dread when you are invited to a social event because you have no idea what to wear? Perhaps you often end up looking too casual or frumpy but you don't know where to shop anymore or how to pull together a wardrobe that works for all these occasions. Don't worry! It is ALL fixable. Just with a little bit of time and guidance, we can get your wardrobe looking stylish and you feeling much more confident and less daunted by shopping. Everyone has style, it's just about finding yours. Download my free PDF - the key pieces you need for a smart/casual work wardrobe. www.lisagillbestyle.com/supersix #styleover40 #over40fashion #stylepodcast #fashionpodcast #personalstylist