What jeans are you wearing, style confidence and why we love influencers with Jo & Rachel

The Style Stories Podcast - A podcast by Personal Stylist Lisa Gillbe


There's no denying we are in the influencer era. Despite the fact some people are saying it's over...! To be able to see someone who is your size and shape wearing an outfit rather than just a skinny size 8, 5ft 8" model is so much more enticing and it's a very powerful marketing tool for brands.  I was joined today by Jo, the founder of clothing company The Cotswold Shed and Rachel from @rachellovesstyle Both ladies share their style stories and evolution over the years. We all agreed we have become more confident as we've got older but some people hold back as they get older and worry too much about what others think. Hopefully we can help people to see there is a lot of joy to be found in wearing a great outfit!   if you are enjoying the podcast, please remember to hit the follow button and leave a review. ❤️   Join my free Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stylepowerwithlisagillbe Work with me in-person on your wardrobe: https://www.lisagillbestyle.com/ For any PR or sponsorship enquiries email, [email protected] Today's guests Find Jo here: https://www.thecotswoldshed.com/ Find Rachel here: https://www.instagram.com/rachel.loves.style/?hl=en   Thanks you for listening. I hope you find the tips useful. ❤️   #personalstylist #fashionpodcast