056 - Choice and the Reach Standards in supported living with Sally Warren

The Supported Living Property Podcast - A podcast by Lisa Brown


In this episode Sally Warren, Managing Director of Paradigm and co-author of the REACH Standards discusses why we all need to consider choice for people with a learning disability, why this matters for supported living and challenges us all to think about "homes not schemes". Sally also shares some practical advice for property investors and support providers.  Sally is Paradigm’s Managing Director and the driving force behind Paradigm, The Reach Standards Practical Guide, The Gr8 Support Movement. Sally is the co-author of the co-produced Reach Standards AND the latest Practical Guide to the Reach Standards launched in October 2019. The Reach Standards are still the only nationally recognised standards promoting and supporting the development of genuine, personal support for living. Much of Sally’s work with provider organisations is working in co-production to ‘figure out’ how we can re-connect our hearts and minds to focus on discovery, relationships, and citizenship, and to minimise the limitations often created by services.  Paradigm website: www.paradigm-uk.org  Reach Standards can be found here: REACH Support for Living - Paradigm  To contact Sally please email: [email protected] [email protected]  Lisa Brown became a property developer after her nursing career. She then discovered the need for supported living property and has been exploring the challenges and solutions, to create more homes for those with support needs, ever since. Lisa has some limited availability for consultancy calls. If you would like to talk through anything discussed in the podcast, to explore how to work with supported living providers in your property business or if you are a supported living provider looking to understand property then please email [email protected] Join the conversation about supported living by joining Lisa’s free Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/supportedlivingproperty/ If you wish to find our more about Lisa and how to connect with her on social media please go to: https://linktr.ee/Lisa_Brown To find the video versions of these episodes please go to: https://www.youtube.com/c/LisaBrownProperty Thank you for listening, please do leave a review and subscribe to keep up to date with future episodes.