103. How (and Why) to Embrace Your Feminine Nature: Mrs. Midwest
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

I'm joined today by "Mrs. Midwest," the pen name for Caitlin, who runs a blog called Mrs. Midwest and who joined YouTube in 2019 with the goal of creating a haven for traditionally feminine women trying to find their place in this modern world. As a traditional wife and homemaker, it is Caitlin's aim to help women blossom into their natural femininity through discussions on style, mindset, and relationships. She explores topics relating to elegance, femininity, traditional relationships, and homemaking, with a little bit of my "real" life thrown in. IN THIS EPISODE: 4:30 The biggest difference between Millennials and Gen Z 9:30 Modern feminism has become an exclusive “girls club” reserved for the “bad ass” woman who slays through life smashing the patriarchy, which is not relatable to the average woman 11:25 Feminism has damaged a lot of lives 13:40 Women change greatly between 18 and 28. Make sure you pivot your life if you change what you want. Have a long term plan 19:30 Many parents are encouraging their children to achieve and compete instead of focusing on love and family life 20:45 Many Christian parents expect their children to date without having sex but simultaneously want them to wait until their late 20s to get married 24:00 Marriage doesn’t derail your career plans…children do 25:40 We have glamorous idea of what a career is that isn't true 28:00 Most married mothers with children prefer to work part-time or not at all 30:00 How can you stay home on one income? 31:00 We're exposed to so much luxury it’s hard to imagine living frugally 38:00 There are many options for couples who want a more traditional lifestyle 42:00 As a woman, you need to look at your long-term path 43:00 In a marriage, whoever's home more does more 52:20 5 ways to be more feminine