109. The Plight of the Modern Woman: Adam B. Coleman

The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker


I first interviewed Adam B. Coleman, founder of Wrong Speak Publishing, on Episode 92 of The Suzanne Venker Show about our culture of victimhood. Adam is back with me today to discuss his astute article, "Why the Modern Woman Is an Unhappy Woman." IN THIS EPISODE: 2:50  Are women happy? 4:30  The dating market can be cruel to women and the selection becomes slimmer as you get older 7:15  The modern women is less fulfilled than the generations of women before them 10:10  Women’s expectations are extraordinary high 14:10  Pop culture has influenced women to the point where it has completely affected their lives 18:00  Most women would rather stay home and take care of their kids than work full time 18:40  Women handle work stress differently than men. Men are emboldened in the role of provider, whereas women are not 23:40  Women in their twenties are conflicted with what they naturally desire and the modern social demand for independence from men 29:45  Many women do not understand that their ability to get sexual attention does not translate into a serious relationship. Showing off your body and being overtly sexual gives men the signal that you are a “high risk for failure” in a long term relationship 36:10  How can women change their trajectory when it comes to love and relationships? 39:00  Parents have to take charge of teaching their kids what they need to know about relationships 40:00  Treat your relationships as seriously as you would the pursuit of a college degree, and don't stay in a relationship for a long time if it is going nowhere 44:10  Can online dating work? 48:00  Women need to embrace being feminine again