111. 4 Lies the Culture Tells Women
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

Suzanne discusses the fallout of the four lies our culture tells women, which represent Part One of Suzanne's new book, How to Get Hitched (and Stay Hitched): A 12-Step Program for Marriage-Minded Women. 1:40 The Four Lies: - Marriage + Motherhood = Jail - Women should never depend on a man - Sex is just sex - Career success will and should define them 1:50 The women who fell for these lies are now dealing with the fallout (They either can’t find a marriageable man or they do find one and are unable to have children the natural way or stay home with their children) 2:30 Feminists want women in the workforce so they can push their political agenda of government sponsored day care and paid leave. This is not what most women want! 3:10 The birth rate is the lowest it has been in a century 4:30 There's so much more than money when it comes to mapping out a life that works 5:30 Follow the man’s career path because he is going to end up feeding the family, if only temporarily 6:00 Stop moving through the world like your body and life will be the same as a man’s 7:10 Put marriage and motherhood at the center of your life and build everything else around that 7:50 Marriage doesn’t change things as much as having a baby does 8:30 Women do not become more “eligible” with age 9:00 Plan ahead, and be flexible!