114. Kacey Musgrave's New 'Breadwinner' Song

The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker


Suzanne discusses singer/songwriter Kacey Musgraves's new song, 'Breadwinner,' which blames men for what happens when wives earn more. IN THIS EPISODE: 3:50  Suzanne introduces the new song by Kacey Musgraves's 'Breadwinner' 7:25  Many women and men don't understand how the female breadwinner issue will affect their marriages 8:50  60% of Suzanne’s coaching clients are in a situation where the women earn more 10:05  Men AND women don't like when women earn more 11:30  The cultural narrative blames gender "stereotypes” and gender "expectations” 13:15  A man’s ability to earn is inextricably tied to his identity. 13:50  Women do not work out of a desire to provide for their husbands 14:50  When a woman has an all-consuming career, much like Musgraves', her relationships (and children if she has them) take a back seat 19:40  As long as the woman is earning, the man’s motivation will fall away 20:10  Men don’t get threatened by a woman earning more; it simply deflates them. Men and women are motivated by different things 21:40  The male breadwinner norm won’t change because women want men who earn the same as they do or more 22:00  This song resonates for women today because so many women are out-earning their partners