123. Work-Life Balance Begins Long Before You Have a Baby

The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker


Once upon a time, women were groomed to be wives and mothers, and they gave little to no thought to having a career. Today, women are groomed to become career women and to give little to no thought to marriage and children. The former option is long gone, never to return. And the second option is just as bad. Fortunately, there’s an Option 3. Here are 4 things young women need to consider when mapping out their lives if they want to achieve genuine work-life balance: IN THIS EPISODE: 3:25  In previous generations, raising a family was a taxing, all-consuming endeavor 5:40  “Work/Life” balance does not meaning doing everything you want simultaneously 6:30  There is no highly successful person (a lot of money or a lot of clout) whose life is NOT out of balance 7:10  Big careers are all consuming 7:50  If you want a balanced life, the only alternative is to accept the trade-offs and not compare your life to anyone else’s 10:45  Where do you want to be geographically? Lifestyle? 13:40  Doing something later doesn’t translate to doing something better 15:00  Know who to listen to and who NOT to listen to when it comes to the issue of work/family balance 19:00  The idea that kids are resilient and that mothers should not feel guilt are pervasive and massive lies 20:28  Guilt is a signal feeling which women should pay attention to 22:45  Understand what children need and what is needed of you as a mother 27:10  After Covid, many mothers are choosing NOT to go back to work