126. Q&A Hour: Suzanne Answers Reader/Listener Emails
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

2:00 My boyfriend won’t say “I love you” and is not expressive or open to talk about next steps for the future 5:00 My son is asking me to open a bank account in my own name to save money because he is dating a girl who inherited money and lives at home. This girl wants to live with my son, in a house she owns, and have him pay half the bills. He wants to save because he is afraid that “when she kicks him out” he’ll be able to afford to set himself up, etc. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? 10:00 I’m newly married to a great guy, but I'm struggling with where we live. We want to start having children but there is no community where we live. What should I do? 15:35 Help! I feel guilty for wanting to step out of the workforce to raise children. 20:15 What is your take on Victoria’s Secret shifting their marketing approach to showcasing overweight women? 22:45 How do I go into a marriage-minded relationship when the woman will be making more money than me? 28:15 My wife and I are going on 16 years of marriage and having trouble, my wife won’t go to counseling. Is there any hope?