131. Money & Marriage Series: The Psychology of Money and Its Role in Our Romantic Relationships

The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker


Suzanne discusses wealth building, especially within the context of marriage. IN THIS EPISODE: 3:40  Whether or not you’ll be successful with money depends on your behavior 5:40  There is a lot of misinformation about building wealth 8:00  The experiences you have growing up shape your views on money 9:40  When you get married, you join finances and your life with someone who may have a totally different history with money 10:00  You both have to have the same goal about where you are going and how you’re going to get there 10:35  High expectations: The median household income today is TWICE what it was thirty years ago, but our expectations have grown exponentially 11:50  If your expectations are beyond what you’re producing, you’re never going to catch up 13:25  You don’t have to be entirely like-minded to be successful in your marriage with money 13:50  Husbands and wives DO NOT view their incomes in the same way 17:00  Understanding male and female nature is very important when it comes to money and marriage 18:50  You CAN change your attitude about money