132. The Behind-the-Scenes Life of an Entrepreneur
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

Suzanne and her assistant Kelsey discuss the life of the entrepreneur. IN THIS EPISODE: 2:50 Suzanne’s assistant, Kelsey, discusses her background 8:20 You don’t have set hours when you have your own business. You basically work all of the time 9:10 The pros: No boss, make your own hours, license to be creative 9:35 The cons: you work for a long time with very little payoff, can be financially straining 12:30 Building a business and having young kids. Is it logistically possible? 13;10 Failure is part of being an entrepreneur 13:40 Social media makes it look easy 15:00 A strong passion is necessary to sustain you through ups and downs 15:45 It usually takes about three years to see any revenue 16:10 You can’t please everyone. Suzanne discusses her experience with dealing with others’ expectations 18:35 You have to be able to deal with delayed gratification 20:00 You have to be disciplined with your time 23:35 You can’t let your business bleed into your personal life 28:40 Entrepreneurship is pushed to women without explaining the caveats of this lifestyle 33:00 Jobs are underrated 36:45 Suzanne dreams of being a waitress!!!!!