135. Q&A Hour: Suzanne Answers Reader/Listener Emails
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

#1 - My boyfriend and I are dating with the prospect of getting married, and I am moving to his country to be with him. I want to prioritize my family but have a side hustle. What is your advice re: side hustles? #2- My fiance and I have small arguments constantly that turn into half a day of us not speaking. Do you have any tips? #3 - I used to have a feminist mindset and dreamed of pursuing a career in music. My parents are pressuring me to get higher ed in music. How do I communicate to my parents about my desire to be a wife and mother someday? #4 - I am a wife who screwed things up in the beginning of my marriage. I have been married for 15 years. I never wanted to be a “disrespectful nag” and I didn’t realize I was being one until my marriage nearly fell apart. My husband is distant and we could be roommates. Do I just accept this? #5 - I keep encountering men who have gotten used to dating a lot of feminists. When I talk to them about having families and wanting more traditional gender roles, they consider that as “being a dictator over the wife”. This is frustrating because men have become feminist without even knowing it. What should mid-thirties women do because men don’t lead? What do we do? #6- I’m a 34-year-old single woman. I was raised by a “hen-pecked” father and I became a feminist, went to grad school, etc. I want to get married and have kids but I don’t know any young single men, I am overweight and have student loans. Is it unreasonable to think I might meet a man who wants to take care of his wife and kids?