148. 10 Reasons Modern Love Is a Mess—and What to Do About It

The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker


A new Gallup poll shows that America’s trust in media has dipped to second lowest on record. This is such a massive divide in our country that I don’t personally think is going to get better. People are so far apart in terms of their worldviews that there’s just no common ground anymore, I wish there was better news about the state of love and marriage, but there’s no question that marriage is on its way out as being the norm in America, which means countless relationships will continue to struggle as we move more and more away from a family first mentality, toward a more individualistic society. So that’s the bad news. The good news is that just bc other people are going to struggle in finding the love and security they seek doesn’t mean you have to as well. Here are ten of the most pressing reasons modern love is such a mess—and what you can do about it: #1: Your marriage mindset: Why your mindset is significant as to whether your relationship will stand the test of time. #2: Prioritizing money and career over love: People have been encouraged to pursue the wrong thing! What are the effects on dating, marriage and family? #3: The undeniable influence of feminism in our culture: Women have been taught to fight biology at every cost. #4: Believing you can have it all at once You have to accept each stage of life for what it is and you cannot have everything you want (high-powered career, family, marriage) all at once. #5: Not living near family: because we are a transient society, women don’t typically have family around when they have children and therefore, no help in raising them. #6: The decline in religion: People who attend church regularly marry at much higher rates. #7: How young people in particular think about money: Young people come to the table with a “his” and “hers” mentality. This is not marriage. #8: The proliferation of social media: You are inundated with temptations and comparisons all day long as a social media user. #9: Women's ridiculously high expectations:  Womens’ high expectations are impeding their ability to find and sustain love. #10: Our anti-male, anti-marriage culture