149. Stop Trying to Have Sex Like a Man!
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

Suzanne talks about how casual sex affects women drastically different than it affects men. IN THIS EPISODE: 1:20 Suzanne reads from Loose Girl, a book that analyzes in great detail the emotions that accompany what most young women experience when they engage in casual sex 2:27 The average guy who partakes in casual sex doesn't ruminate over who he has sex with or why he did it 3:00 Many young women have sex to feel attractive and desirable 4:30 Feeling used, or like a “booty call,” is the number one experience for women who have casual sex 5:00 Biology dictates that women carry the brunt of sexual risk while men wield the sexual power 5:25 The relationship between women and men took a nosedive when women (en masse) began having sex “like a man”— casually, with no commitment. 6:20 In generations past, commitment always preceded sex 8:10 Sex for women is NOT the same as it is for men 8:30 Even the most sexually liberal woman is surprised to learn she cannot detach the way men can 10:00 Suzanne reads stories from women who've had a lot of casual sex 17:25 A hookup doesn’t lead to the relationships women crave (MeToo movement) 18:50 - It's modern gender norms, not traditional ones, that have lead to the problems between men and women regarding casual sex 20:20 The MeToo Movement speaks to women's weakness to casual sex