49. The Divorce Industry and the Myth of the Deadbeat Dad: Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D.
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

Children of divorce are in desperate need of a relationship with both their parents. Sadly, far too many are reduced to having a relationship with only one parent: the mother. Citing a principle called the “best interest of the child,” family courts award sole or primary custody of most children of divorced parents to mothers, thereby reducing fathers to occasional visitation and zero authority. The silence on this issue is deafening, and this silence comes just as much from the right as it does from the left. It even comes from churches. Making matters worse is that divorce is no longer fault-based. Unilateral divorce is now the law of the land, and three-fourths of divorces are initiated by wives. Women don't have to allege any fault by the husband, and he has no right to oppose the divorce. To address this monstrous social travesty, I could think of no one better than Stephen Baskerville, former Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College. Stephen is widely recognized as a leading authority on fatherhood, family policy, and sexual politics. He holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and writes on political ideologies with an emphasis on religion, family policy, and sexuality. His books include The New Politics of Sex and Taken Into Custody: The War against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family. Stephen serves on advisory boards to the Ruth Institute, the Men’s Health Network and other organizations. His website is www.stephenbaskerville.com. IN THIS EPISODE: 5:00-8:00 How Stephen began writing on the “divorce industry,” the political dynamics involved and about no-fault divorce: why it disproportionately affects fathers. 8:00 How women are encouraged to get divorced and take the children, make false accusations against fathers etc. 10:24 How men are less likely to use children as weapons against the other spouse 10:45 The Myth of the Deadbeat Dad 14:00 What is no-fault divorce and why is it wrong, why is it a system of “chaos” and why we need to “enforce the constitution” when it comes to divorce 11:40 - 16:00 How the Bill of Rights is violated in many divorce cases and how basic constitutional rights are being violated. 17:00 How political correctness keeps ups from being able to address it and solve the problems with no-fault divorce and how both the left and right wing media both ignore it 19:00 How even Ronald Reagan admits he was deceived when he signed the first No Fault divorce legislation into action in CA. How there was also no public debate or discussion at the time it was enacted and throughout the years until now 19:45 How these laws have affected the social structure, including crime, fatherlessness in homes, etc. 20:49-22:50 What does Stephen tell and recommend for fathers as recourse for these issues? 24:35-30:30 Why the effects of the sexual revolution have led to the the West to brink of social and economic ruin (this includes sexual chaos, domestic violence, sexual harassment, etc.) 30:45 - Why feminism has not created a “utopia” for a women Support Suzanne on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/thesuzannevenkershow Subscribe to the YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/SuzanneVenkerAuthor