51. SPECIAL EPISODE: The Woke Mob Is Out of Control: Heather Mac Donald
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

Last week Stan Wischnowski, top editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer, was forced to apologize and ultimately resign after using the headline, “Buildings Matter, Too.” He later characterized his own work as “deeply offensive.” Over at the New York Times, editorial page editor James Bennet resigned after a staff uproar as a result of U.S. Senator Republican Tom Cotton's statement in an op-ed that military troops should be sent to restore public order in American cities when the police are overwhelmed. Anna Wintour, editor of Vogue, apologized for the mistakes, oversights, and supposed offenses her publication has committed during her tenure. “ Tucker Carlson lost advertisers for pointing out the fact that BLM is not about black lives but about something else altogether. And it isn’t just journalists who are marginalized as a result of their speech. The author J.K. Rowlings made what was referred to as a "controversial" statement in pointing out that women, not men, get periods. Fortunately, Rowlings didn’t apologize or take back her comments. Join me in this special episode to discuss America’s cancel culture is New York Times bestselling author and contributing editor of City Journal Heather Mac Donald. IN THIS EPISODE: 2:45 What's Cancel Culture? 6:45 Heather discusses her article, “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism” and how crime and suspect behavior determine most interactions with cops 8:50 How the data prove Black Lives Matter’s claim that there's an epidemic of racially motivated action between blacks and police is categorically false 10:20 How the statistics show blacks commit over half of all homicides 11:55 -12:43 How the current narrative has it backwards. Black males are 6% of the nation's population and make up about 42% of cop killings. A police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a cop. 14:30 How there's an increase in cops leaving the profession due to the narrative 15:35 How the entirety of mainstream America, including all major corporations, are now onboard with the Black Lives Matter movement 18:00 In light of the current narrative, we will begin to see more cop assassinations and recruiting will be more difficult 18:35 – 22:45 Police Reform and how in Colorado, people will be able to civilly sue police officers for alleged misconduct and how this will lead to anarchy and crime will spike 22:50 Heather’s assessment of what’s to come in the next six to twelve months 25:30 There will be even more pressure on institutions to hire by race (and sex) instead of on merit and the quality of the institutions will suffer as a result 26:45 How fatherlessness has decimated the black community Sign up for marriage coaching with Suzanne: https://www.suzannevenker.com/relationship-coaching/ Support Suzanne on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/thesuzannevenkershow Subscribe to the YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/SuzanneVenkerAuthor