59. “You don't want to be me": Getting Real with Wife, Mother and Forensic Accountant Tiffany Couch

The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker


One of the things I want to start doing at The Suzanne Venker Show is to highlight everyday Americans who have stories to tell that you would never hear in the media. In some cases, this may be due to the fact that the person isn’t prominent enough to create attention in media circles. Other times, a person is well-known by members of the media, but the story or message he or she has to tell conflicts with the message the media want to sell. I’m a textbook example of the latter, but that’s a story for a different day. I have with me today wife, mother, author, and successful business owner Tiffany Couch who wants people to know that everything we’ve been told in the culture is a lie. “On my way to getting real,” Tiffany writes, “I realized I was headed down a path where my gravestone would read, Great Forensic Accountant…and would say nothing about what really matters. Most importantly (yes…MOST importantly), I’m a wife to a great husband. We’ve been married more than 23 years—and on my way to fame and fortune, I almost lost this marriage…and so much more. I traded success and money for my children’s time and attention. After all, isn’t that what successful women are supposed to do? While my job is looking at numbers, interpreting them, and explaining them so that people like judges, lawyers, clients, and juries can make important decisions, I find my real passion is explaining tough concepts to people in a way they can understand. And that’s what I want to do at Let’s Get Real.” IN THIS EPISODE: 5:50 – 7:57:  Tiffany discusses how her very successful career bumped up against her personal life, her marriage and her family life. She also talks about how she came to realize that the success in her business didn’t equal a successful love/personal life and how she began to change her thinking 7:57 – Tiffany talks about how she almost lost her marriage. She talks about the roles of men and women and how her being the primary breadwinner almost destroyed her marriage. 9:45 – Tiffany and Suzanne discuss why women sometimes early on  “jump in” to become the breadwinner and how it often doesn’t work out down the road.  Tiffany talks about her experience with being the breadwinner and how that came to be. 13:20- Tiffany briefly talks about her childhood and why the fear of becoming like her mother pushed her to become successful in the marketplace and prioritizing that instead of staying home with her kids 15:00 – Tiffany talks about what she missed out on in her kids lives 15:45 – 17:00 - Tiffany talks about how being the boss at work led her to carry over that behavior in her marriage 17:05 –Tiffany talks about how her marriage issues came to a head and how they almost decided on divorce. She discusses her “epiphany” on saving her marriage and how changing her attitude changed and saved her marriage. 19:55 - Tiffany talks about how much her marriage changed along the way to her massive success 22:25 – Tiffany talks about mentoring young women to become forensic accountants and what she tells those young women 25:50 – Tiffany talks about her relationship with her kids and how that relationship shifted 30:00 - 35:30- Suzanne reads from Tiffany’s blog regarding her relationship with money. Suzanne and Tiffany discuss the significance of money in life and relationships. 35:35 – Tiffany talks about her website letsgetreallife.com 36:00 - Tiffany talks about letting go of shame regarding money 42:30 – 44:30 -Tiffany and Suzanne talk about marriage and money and how important it is. They talk about how separate bank accounts can destroy a relationship. Sign up for marriage coaching with Suzanne: https://www.suzannevenker.com/relationship-coaching/ Support Suzanne on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/thesuzannevenkershow