77. What Does Masculinity and Femininity LOOK Like?: Suzanne Venker w Andre Paradis
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

Andre Paradis is back to talk with Suzanne about all things male and female! IN THIS EPISODE: 8:50 What is gender intelligence? 11:30 If you want a healthy relationship with a man, you have to find out why he's compelled to say and do what he does 15:50 There has to be a balance between masculinity and femininity 17:40 Too many women confuse stepping into their femininity with “dumbing themselves down” 18:50 To be “feminine” is to be creative, experience life, be vulnerability, being magnetic, etc. 20:00 – A woman’s childhood has a lot to do with her rejection or acceptance of her femininity 22:22 – How a woman stepping into her femininity affects relationships 25:30 – Men are motivated and energized by the pressure to work and provide. It is the opposite for women 29:45 - For men, relaxing is recovering. When women take everything on they tend to go all day until they crash 32:20 – If women DO everything, men will let them do it 34:40 – Men and women are not equal as in the same. If you do not understand this, you will fail. 39:00 – It comes down to priorities between work and family. No one can do both. You have to make a choice 45:20 - Suzanne and Andres talk about resentment in marriage towards their husbands when it comes to women with their careers 48:30 - Women have to calibrate when to “produce” and when to “let go” 51:45 - Fighting nature is why many women are single or in unhappy relationships 54:00 - What makes a man show-up and stick around Sign up for marriage coaching with Suzanne: https://www.suzannevenker.com/relationship-coaching/ Support Suzanne on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/thesuzannevenkershow