82. *REBROADCAST* How to Love a Man: Alison Armstrong
The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker

"Women have been acculturated to believe they should be their own heroes. Women's television delivers this message over and over again with movies in which, at most, one good man might provide some small assistance as the heroine rescues herself." Those are the words of "Claudia," the wise grandmother who tutors her granddaughter Kimberlee in the art of loving a man in The Queen's Code. The Queen's Code is a fictionalized version of the days when author Alison Armstrong was what she calls a "frog farmer," or a woman who brings out the worst in men by turning her prince into a frog. It offers a LIFE-CHANGING view of men that will turn your marriage or relationship around overnight. Alison Armstrong is a best-selling author, sought after speaker and a master thought leader. She’s the founder of PAX Programs, a mission driven company passionate about transforming the way men and women relate to themselves and each other and the ultimate source for understanding men and women. Her website is www.understandmen.com. "Until we understand the real differences in what compels our behavior, especially under stress, we'll keep bringing out the worst in each other. And never experience the real beauty of both men and women." — Alison Armstrong IN THIS EPISODE: Modern women antagonize the most primitive aspects of men. Being successful in love requires an attitude adjustment. Anger and self-righteousness have got to go. When you emasculate your man, it causes him to treat you with disdain. The emasculating of men is a knee-jerk response out of fear of men's power. It's a learned behavior to reduce men's pressure, and it is the only way women have to deal with their hurt, disappointment and frustration. How Women Emasculate Men: Withhold appreciation • Withhold admiration • Withhold sex • Don't let them impress you • Compare unfavorably–be impressed by someone else • Don't trust them • Don't need them for anything important to you If you’re not using your assets to emasculate, he will naturally appreciate your beauty, sexuality, intellect, humor, needs, etc. If he can keep his power, he will not be overwhelmed by yours. He will not be triggered to objectify you. Everything about women can overwhelm men. Men are nurtured—literally fed energy—by being in the presence of a contented woman. Reducing male power doesn’t make women safer. The makeup of the masculine brain causes it to focus on one result. It commits itself to the accomplishment of that result and screens out everything that's unrelated. This is virtually the opposite of the feminine brain. There’s a difference bw depending on a man to provide and allowing him to. Most women won't let a man provide for them; they want to be the provider instead. It's a standoff of dueling providers, and a man can't give way without being emasculated.