Ep. 186: Single motherhood is NOT the answer to the lack of marriageable men

The Suzanne Venker Show - A podcast by suzanne venker


More and more women are choosing to have children and remain single. When these women are asked why, most say it’s not that they don’t want to get married but that there are no longer any marriageable men from which to choose.  The so-called "rise" of women and lack of marriageable (read: gainfully employed) men is the #1 reason marriage in America has tanked. In this week's episode, Suzanne discusses 4 things Americans MUST begin to do if we ever expect to turn this mess around. Links: https://www.suzannevenker.com/the-war-on-men-ebook/ https://www.npr.org/2023/10/22/1207322878/single-parent-married-good-for-children-inequality https://www.foxnews.com/media/economist-makes-data-driven-case-stable-two-parent-households-clear-kids-benefit.amp