The Tech Humanist Show: Episode 5 – Safiya U. Noble, Ph.D.

The Tech Humanist Show - A podcast by Kate O'Neill

The Tech Humanist Show explores how data and technology shape the human experience. It's recorded live each week in a live-streamed video program before it's made available in audio format. Hosted by Kate O’Neill.

About this episode's guest:
Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the Department of Information Studies where she serves as the Co-Director of the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry. She is the author of a best-selling book on racist and sexist algorithmic bias in commercial search engines, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism (NYU Press).

She tweets as @safiyanoble.

This episode streamed live on Thursday, August 13, 2020.

2:00 What has it been like in your life and work to have authored a category-defining book?
4:16 how the conversation has changed
6:57 career arc
7:06 theater!
09:09 influences
10:55 audience question: when you're teaching on this, what activities resonate with your students
16:36 "what the humanities and social sciences do is they give you a really great vocabulary for talking about the things you care about and for you know looking at them closely"
17:36 algorithms offline?
19:38 what is the Center for Critical Internet Inquiry at UCLA doing? (site:
20:17 big announcement!
29:07 the challenges for companies want to address the oppression in their own tech
47:56 what makes you hopeful? (BEAUTIFUL answer)