Why Your Traumatised Child "Behaves Badly"

The Therapeutic Parenting Podcast - A podcast by COECT


Today's guest, Sarah Dillon, spent much of her childhood in care.Now a child and adult therapist, she is an internationally-recognised expert with experience on both sides of the therapeutic parenting fence.In this episode, she speaks to parents who all too often feel judged when their traumatised child displays regressive behaviours in public - such as screaming tantrums in the supermarket or shoplifting.  As she says, it's one thing dealing with small children in such cases, quite another with a much older and bigger child. Listen to this podcast episode to discover why parents have absolutely no need to feel failures but why developing  "a skin like an elephant and a heart like a marshmallow" are necessary coping strategies. The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma is an umbrella organisation combining resources, research and knowledge from cutting edge experts in the sector – Inspire Training Group, National Association of Therapeutic Parents, Sarah Naish – Keynote Speaker and Author, The Haven – Parenting and Wellbeing Centre and Safer Fostering. Telephone – 01453 519000 Email – [email protected] Website - www.coect.co.uk

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