TDP #61 - Meg Langston

The Thermo Diet Podcast - A podcast by Tyler Woodward

In this episode of The Thermo Diet Podcast, Jayton Miller sits down with Meg Langston. Meg is a Functional Nutrition Therapy Practioner and RWP. She specializes in helping women heal their bodies and feel like the best versions of themselves. They take a deep dive into the menstrual cycle, how it works, the importance of the menstrual cycle, and so much more. Check it out and let us know what you think! Facebook Group and Fanpage: - Thermo Diet Community Group  - Thermo Diet Fan Page  Youtube Channels: - Christopher Walker - UMZU Health  Instagram: - @_christopherwalker - @researchcowboy  Website: - Thermo Diet Roadmap Meg's Website -  Full Transcript: Jayton Miller: Welcome back to the Thermo Diet podcast. I'm your host Jayton Miller. And today, I have on the podcast Miss Meg Langston. So today, we talk about the menstrual cycle. We talk about the different parts of the menstrual cycle, what makes a menstrual cycle difficult to deal with, how do you overcome some of those difficulties, what are some of the benefits of actually having a period, and why it may give women a hand up whenever it comes to health and telling them what's going on with their body and stuff like that. Jayton Miller: So I'm super excited for you all to listen to this episode. It's filled with golden nuggets. So let's get into it.  Jayton Miller: How's it going today, guys? I am here with Meg Langston. How are you doing today, Meg? Meg Langston: I'm good. Thanks for having me. Jayton Miller: So Meg, do you mind telling the audience where you came from and what you're currently doing? Meg Langston: Yeah. So I'm going to try to keep this brief, but I think it's so important when you get to know me that you know my story, because a lot of what I talk about is from trial and error, and I think especially because I feel like this podcast is going to be a lot towards women, talking about the menstrual cycle. And I feel like a lot of us females have a similar story. I don't know. Maybe men do, too. Meg Langston: But so I grew up a pretty competitive athlete. I played soccer my whole life, and very competitively where I was in something called Olympic Development Program, I was playing in high school, I was playing in club, missed a lot of dances, and then eventually was so burnt out, didn't play in college, and I started to put weight on in college.  Meg Langston: And I remember calling my dad one time and I was like, "Well, what are you eating?" And I'm like, "Well, Special K for breakfast," because this was when Special K was the end all, be all. Maybe it still is. But I definitely thought if it had dried strawberries in there, it was really healthy. "And then pasta for lunch and Jimmy John's dinner, turkey sandwich on white bread." And he'd be like, "Well, that's just all carbs." I'm like, "Don't I need carbs?" He was like, "You're not an athlete anymore." Meg Langston: So anyway, that was the first time I had ever identified food impacts your body and what are carbs. And I say this as a joke, but i