Dr Emeka Okorocha

The Toby Gribben Show Highlights - A podcast by Shout Radio


UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ARE URGED TO TAKE A COVID-19 LATERAL FLOW TEST BEFORE HEADING HOME THIS CHRISTMAS TO PROTECT FRIENDS AND FAMILY* All university students are being asked to avoid taking Covid-19 home for the Christmas break by taking a rapid Covid-19 lateral flow test before travelling home.* The call comes as new research reveals a third (33%) of students are already planning nights out with friends when they're back home, so now is a crucial time to remind students of the importance of testingTo coincide with the end of term, all university students are being encouraged to take a rapid Covid-19 Lateral Flow test and report their results online before returning home for the Christmas break; to minimise the spread of the virus from one area to another across the country.This comes as students start to plan their return home for the holidays - with new research revealing over half (55%) are looking forward to recharging after a hard term, 57% are looking forward to seeing family and friends, and a third (33%) are already planning a night out with old friends when they're back home.Now is a crucial time to ensure that students know the steps and behaviours to take to limit the spread of Covid-19 to friends and family.While the life-saving vaccines remain the best defence against Covid-19, people can still catch the virus even if they have been double vaccinated and received their booster. With around one in three people with Covid-19 showing no symptoms, and with young people more likely to be asymptomatic, it could be passed onto others without knowing.That is why students must take a rapid Covid-19 Lateral Flow test before returning home to ensure they don't take Covid-19 home with them and spread the virus to friends and family, giving them peace of mind.The research also revealed that of those students who said they had not been planning to take a rapid Covid-19 test before travelling home, over half (53%) said that, when told the benefits of the test, they now would take one before they return home. As well as testing before travelling home, students are encouraged to carry out additional actions to help stop the spread of Covid-19, including:* Taking a rapid Lateral Flow test before a period of higher risk i.e. socialising with friends and indoor environments, and reporting results online* Arranging a free PCR test if you have symptoms* Opening windows regularly, particularly when on public or private transport travelling home, and then again at home when friends or family visit* Wear a face covering when on public transport* Get your Covid-19 vaccine and booster jab when invitedDr Emeka Okorocha, an A&E doctor, said: "I know when I was studying, I couldn't wait to get back home for the holidays, and with Christmas, on the horizon, university students will be travelling across the country to spend the Christmas holidays at home.Whilst it's so great that we are all able to spend this time with our family and friends this year, we do still need everyone to be cautious. This is because around 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 have no symptoms and could be breathing it onto others without knowing. So, to make sure that you're not taking the virus home with you for the Christmas break, take a rapid Covid-19 lateral flow test and report your results online at gov.uk before you travel back."Students can get the tests from their university if they have them, nearest pharmacists or can order them online at nhs.uk/get-tested. Tests are free and simple with results in around 30 minutes. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.