Olivia Rees

The Toby Gribben Show Highlights - A podcast by Shout Radio


Olivia Rees a multi-talented musician as well as an accomplished singer-songwriter. Reesrealized early on that her destiny was to become a musician. In her early childhood, Reestook piano lessons, so as to further developed her musical talent. She then taught herself howto play the guitar when she was only 12 years old, driven by an immense passion andambition that has guided her throughout her career.At only 24 years old, she has already collaborated with multiple renowned acts, such as L.A.rapper Mr D.M.A., as well as his brother Eddy Roze (sons of Gilbert Rozon, founder ofacclaimed Canadian series “Just for Laughs”).Although she enjoys the occasional collaboration with other musical acts, such as the onewith the Rozon brothers, Olivia Rees is a highly independent artist who toils on everythinginvolved in her releases – from instrumental, to lyrics, to crafting that unique edgy sound thatsets her apart from other artists of her generation.With an intense and often unhappy past, Rees saw two choices early on in her life: eitherallow pain and depression to swallow her up, or use her torment to rise stronger and createsomething beautiful out of the darkness. Thus, many of her songs have something of a darkerundertone, but this only lends them more meaning. Songs like “Darker Night” and “TrustIssues” in particular speak out to people who have been abandoned and neglected by theirloved ones. As a survivor of abuse herself, Rees channels much of her suffering in her musicand explores a vast canvas of emotion through her lyrics, from betrayal to loss to loneliness,but also hope and finding your inner strength.Just to showcase her artistic versatility, Rees has also penned some quality “slow” tunes, like“Leave it Alone”, as well as some veritable party tracks, like “Sugar and Spice”.Although frequently compared to well-known pop artists such as Rihanna, Olivia Rees is alittle harder to define or to box in into any one genre. There are definitely some clear traces ofpop in her music, but she also has R&B influences, even drifting toward hip-hop and rap attimes. It can honestly be said that her sound is a unique and exciting creation – Rees brings acertain edginess to your regular pop tunes. And it’s exactly this edge that has always allowedher to connect to her audience and wow at the events where she performs.Having traveled extensively and lived in places like London, UK and even Dubai in the UnitedArab Emirates, Rees is currently based in Toronto, Canada. When she is not performing atvarious local venues and music events, she is most likely to be found writing new tunes athome, or recording in the studio. For her debut album, she collaborated with Cleveland SoundLabs. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.