#116: An Incredible First Time Toy Inventor Story with Daniela Valenzuela Bomchil

Making It in The Toy Industry with The Toy Coach - A podcast by Azhelle Wade - Wednesdays


Do you have an idea, and maybe even a prototype for a toy invention, but are wondering how to get it in front of toy industry executives? You’re not alone. This is something some toy inventors struggle with. Today’s episode is all about some things you can do to make that happen, and they might be surprising to you. I interviewed Daniela Valenzuela Bomchil, a recent student of the Toy Creators Academy. When Daniela came to the academy, I noticed that her prototypes were impeccable, and she was so prepared with amazing presentation materials. Daniela shares with you how her experience in the TCA helped her to build the confidence to pitch to large toy companies, how she got into toys from graphic design, and how she did her first pitches for the TCA Virtual Pitch Event from her car because her whole city was experiencing a power outage! You’ll also find out what she learned from the TCA and how the pitch event helped get her products in front of top toy industry executives to begin fostering an ongoing relationship. This episode highlights the importance of building relationships in the toy industry. Toy company executives want to work with you so you really need more than just a name and an e-mail address to start building a relationship.EPISODE CLIFF NOTESLearn why you need more than a name and e-mail address to build a relationship with a toy industry executive. [00:01:55]Find out how you can “borrow” a relationship in the toy industry to build rapport with toy executives. [00:02:40]Learn how the Toy Creators Academy Virtual Pitch Event can help you build toy industry relationships on your own [00:03:23]Learn how the confidence she gained in the TCA transformed Daniela’s outlook on pitching to toy industry professionals. [00:14:36]Find out one of the most important qualities of a good sizzle reel. [00:15:07]Learn how the TCA Virtual Pitch Event helped Daniela to gain the potential of working with Hasbro and Mattel. [00:16:59]Find out how the TCA helped Daniela feel more confident to pitch to American companies even though she is located in Argentina. [00:19:18]Learn why pitching was Daniela’s favorite part of the Toy Creators Academy. [00:21:38]Hear why Daniela recommends the Toy Creators Academy for toy inventors and toy entrepreneurs. [00:23:40]Learn why you need to know more than just a toy company’s name in the toy industry. [00:25:12]MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:For the links and resources mentioned in this episode, head over to the episode page at www.thetoycoach.com/116Support the show🎓 5 Streamlined Steps To Your Next Playful Product Launch in 1 Interactive Masterclass: learn.thetoycoach.com/masterclass💡 The Great Toy and Game Idea Bootcamp: Visualize, Validate, and Vow to make your toy or game idea real in just 5 days. Register here: learn.thetoycoach.com/bootcamp