114 - Popular Sayings
The Truth About the Truth - Surprising Answers To Life's Difficult Questions - With Meir Ezra - A podcast by Meir Ezra
There are these phrases people say that sound good or help them get out of situations in their minds, but in reality, they are nonsense. Today we are looking through just a few to look at the nonsense so we can move it aside and uncover the truth. We will look at the background of how we came to this subject and then dissect some common phrases such as, “you learn from your mistakes,” and, “time heals all wounds.” Find out what they are actually telling you and how that can actually be completely damaging. Finally, we look at The Iron Dome. It is the upcoming webinar that covers operating in the physical universe in a secure way that is not always on defense, but just by being so YOU that you can out-create any situation. Get the correct viewpoint to operate with to be able to thrive. To find out more go to www.GProsperity.com/irondome. Enjoy!