Awakening, Embodiment and the Nervous System - Brooke Thomas - TruthLover #28
The TruthLover Podcast - A podcast by Love & Truth Party

In today's episode Brooke Thomas joins us, she is the host of the Liberated Being community, which connects people who are on the path with the skillful guides that can help to make the journey more sane, kind, and clear. She is also the co-creator of the Bliss and Grit podcast. She’s been in practice for 20 years offering Rolfing, Realization Process, and embodied coaching. Her life's work sits at the intersection of where the body meets the experience we each have of our lives- of our being-ness. → Brooke's websites: • • → Instagram: @brookethomas108 • @liberatedbeing • @blissandgritpodcast The TruthLover podcast is presented by Love & Truth Party ( and features Author, Speaker, Transformational Coach, Retreat Leader, and Entrepreneur - Will Pye ( in dialogue with fascinating visionaries and luminaries exploring Consciousness, the Nature of Reality, Awakened Activism, Individual Awakening and Collective Evolution, Science and Spirituality. ➠ While the podcast is offered freely, we invite you to give the gift of dana/donation if you find the content useful. By giving to Love & Truth Party you help further our impact serving global awakening: and also on Patreon: