Covid-19 - Courage, Clarity and Opportunity - Lynn Marie Lumiere, Isaac Shapiro & Elena Nezhinsky - TruthLover #30
The TruthLover Podcast - A podcast by Love & Truth Party

In this special episode of the TruthLover, I'm excited to have 3 guests joining us: Lynn Marie Lumiere, Isaac Shapiro and Elena Nezhinsky, in discussion of the important topic of Covid-19 and how it relates to finding the courage to speak the truth, to be open to alternative narratives and how we can affect change in the World. Lynn Marie Lumiere, MFT is a nondual psychotherapist and activist with a focus on transforming both global and individual issues at their root through dissolving the belief in separation that creates and sustains them. Lynn Marie is one of the pioneers in the emerging field of Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy. She is a contributing author for the Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy as well as the Undivided: The Online Journal of Nonduality and Psychology. She is co-author of The Awakening West and is the author of Undivided Love: Awaken to the Source of Love and Find True Intimacy published by New Harbinger. → Lynn Marie's website:→ Facebook: @AwakenedRelating Isaac Shapiro is an internationally known facilitator, fascinated with life lived in alignment with the world's wisdom traditions. He enjoys exploring and assisting those who share this interest. His approach is to ask questions and make statements. He asks participants in his meetings to question and see if what he says is true in their own being. This approach points to what is already known, but obscured in the ways our nervous system and our thinking function. He brings an understanding of neurophysiology and some of the latest discoveries in Quantum physics and applies this when the occasion requires in a light hearted but direct way. Through years of working with people, Isaac has cultivated and refined an ability to track what is happening in the nervous system of participants. Bringing this awareness to peoples attention, allows our natural, innate self-regulating mechanism to be re-established. → Isaac's website: Elena Nezhinsky is an independent thinker and a long-time seeker of Truth. She is a pioneer of a global awakening movement and a co-creator of the spiritual inquiry method of Direct Pointing that can lead to release the illusion of separation. From guiding people to awakening, over time Elena's focus has shifted towards helping with integration of the awakening experience. From her own experience with post-awakening Elena developed a method of grounding the energies after awakening and embracing the two levels of existence - absolute and human - for a fulfilling, meaningful life. Elena's diverse background includes a Master's degree in Engineering and certification in many holistic health modalities. She has studied Behavioral Psychology extensively. She is currently working independently as a Spiritual Mentor and Deep Transformation Coach → Elena's website:→ Facebook: @BuddhaOnABull The TruthLover podcast is presented by Love & Truth Party ( and features Author, Speaker, Transformational Coach, Retreat Leader, and Entrepreneur - Will Pye ( in dialogue with fascinating visionaries and luminaries exploring Consciousness, the Nature of Reality, Awakened Activism, Individual Awakening and Collective Evolution, Science and Spirituality. ➠ While the podcast is offered freely, we invite you to give the gift of dana/donation if you find the content useful. By giving to Love & Truth Party you help further our impact serving global awakening: and also on Patreon: