Activating Ascension | Dr. Kate Flynn

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah speaks with Dr.Kate Flynn about some of the ideas brought forth in her book activating ascension. We discuss some of her ideas on number activation sequences and third eye clearing. Many of the ideas brought forth in her book Activating Ascension (The Ultimate Guide for Navigating a New Life) are designed to help the practitioner tap into their higher self and thin the veil between their reality and eternity. In these higher states of consciousness we are able to receive vision about our life's goal and access the things that we desire to bring forth. There are also meditations and tools in the book that make it more interactive and you can actually track your progress as you work through the texts and practices. In the interview Dr.Kate Flynn speaks about releasing trauma and negative attachments and beliefs that are no longer serving us. Many people are still living their life dealing with trauma from something that happened to them as a child even now into their adult lives. This trauma and negativity can affect our relationships with family, friends and even our careers. Activating Ascension gives practical and spiritual ways for us to cut the ties with the mistakes and memories of the past that many of us relive daily. SOCIAL CONNECT WITH TRUTHSEEKAH ON SOCIAL MEDIA iTunes - Facebook - YouTube - Twitter - Email - SUPPORT THE SHOW BECOME A MEMBER via PATREON AND GET REWARDS!!! We do not exist without the help of our Patrons! Running a professional podcast is very costly and has many monthly fees. If you enjoy the content please consider coming on board as a partner at any level. You enable me to continue to bring you content and you get tons of Patreon Only Rewards on the Patreon page. 👽Help Keep The TruthSeekah Podcast On The Air!👽 ⭐️ Become A Patron And Support TruthSeekah 📚 Get Access To The School of the Mystics Thursdays @7pm cen 💿 TruthSeekahs Full Discography & Unreleased Music 👉 Download This Episode On iTunes - Download On Android - 👍Facebook 🐦Twitter 🔴Reddit 📷Instagram 💬Join Our Discord Chat 👕 SHIRTS 🌕OFFICIAL 🅿DONATE VIA PAYPAL 📖Get Your FREE Audio Book! 📧 Send Mail To TruthSeekah P.O. Box 333 Creola Al, 36525 USA Click Here To Get Your FREE Book