Astral Travel | Shamanic Shadow Healing | Nicolle Leanne

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

In this episode TruthSeekah speaks with Nicolle Leanne about exploring the dimensions of spirituality and astral travel. Nicolle Leanne also speaks about her healing work where she leads the experiencer into heightened states of consciousness and move things around in the spirit realm. This is her practice called Shamanic Shadow Healing. It's about going into our lives and dealing with all of the unwanted emotional and spiritual baggage that we are carrying that oftentimes spills over into our personal and social lives. It's about learning from the trauma and then in turn releasing it as never to return. Nicolle also offers personal one on one sessions to help others find spiritual freedom. Another topic discussed is about learning to find our spiritual abilities and how to use them. Many people are already experiencing different types of psychic abilities and extra sensory perception but have no idea how to use it and as stated in many of our other episodes that it can lead people down a path of delusion and madness. Learning how to respond to and follow our own inner guidance (Holy Spirit) and be led of our own intuition can lead to many marvelous experiences on our journey and is also used in finding our life's path. This leads to the topic of synchronicity. Synchronicity is when you see numbers often repeated in your life as a meme such as 11:11, 333, 444 or any other combination of numbers that seems to stick out to you more often. As stated the synchronicities often begin with numbers but soon happens with phrases, names and situations throughout our life. This synchronicity is used by God / The Universe to let us know that we are on the right path. It is very similar to following the breadcrumbs said to be left out by God on the way to living our life's divine purpose.   SOCIAL CONNECT WITH TRUTHSEEKAH ON SOCIAL MEDIA iTunes - Facebook - YouTube - Twitter - Email - SUPPORT THE SHOW BECOME A MEMBER via PATREON AND GET REWARDS!!! We do not exist without the help of our Patrons! Running a professional podcast is very costly and has many monthly fees. If you enjoy the content please consider coming on board as a partner at any level. You enable me to continue to bring you content and you get tons of Patreon Only Rewards on the Patreon page. Choose Level - $1 - $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 - $500 - $1,000 BUY A SHIRT | GET MERCH CLICK HERE FREE AUDIBLE AUDIO BOOK Get Yourself A Free Audio Book And Support The Show At The Same Time!  You often hear TruthSeekah drop the names of a few books that have motivated him in his spiritual journey, two being The Final Quest by Rick Joyner and The Alchimest by Paulo Coelho. These books are available on Audible.  Click Here To Get Your FREE Book