Becoming Psychic | Learning Your Abilities | Kristy Lee

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

In this episode Truthseekah speaks with psychic Kristy Lee about becoming psychic and learning how to harness your god-given psychic abilities. Coming from a Mormon background, Kristy Lee's experience has not been very easy. The majority of Christians always seem to demonize what they don't understand. This is true for the Catholic denomination all the way to each set of denominational evangelicalism. But as we look deeper within the scriptures and towards more of the ancient Hebrew understanding we see that psychic abilities played a huge role in the life of the Prophets of the Bible. These abilities and cognitions seem to have been grafted out as religion has moved away from being a spiritual practice and more towards an organized religion. Many people are still functioning in their abilities whether Christian or unbeliever. The fact remains that people are having Supernatural experiences with entity's in the angelic realms and beyond. As Believers we should not just demonize a concept because we don't understand it, but we should seek out the truth of the matter, whatever it may be. For too long evangelicalism has played the position of know it all when in fact they don't even have a grasp about these spiritual abilities or experiences. On the outskirts of Christianity in the Fringe movements, we see churches like Bethel and Morning Star being a head of Christian evangelicals who still embrace Supernatural activity and prophetic utterance. These are the same things as the psychic abilities and cognitions, just worded differently to fit the culture. Just as Kristy Lee has now embraced her calling as a "psychic" many others are now finding the ability to embrace theirs, whatever it may be. I believe that the name of the game is authenticity, which seems to be the hardest for those who are coming out of religion. Their identity is found within the organization and if their life or beliefs seem to deviate, then they are excommunicated or ghosted. This is hard for anyone to get over and that's why we must be open about our stories so that we can bring hope to those facing hardships in trying to find their identity. The spirit of the prophet is subject unto the prophets and those who greet a prophet will receive a prophets reward. My heart goes out to those demonized for being different or being forced to wear a mask in order to fit in. Religion is trying to kill the prophets just as it has done in generations past. SOCIAL CONNECT WITH TRUTHSEEKAH ON SOCIAL MEDIA iTunes - Facebook - YouTube - Twitter - Email - SUPPORT THE SHOW BECOME A MEMBER via PATREON AND GET REWARDS!!! We do not exist without the help of our Patrons! Running a professional podcast is very costly and has many monthly fees. If you enjoy the content please consider coming on board as a partner at any level. You enable me to continue to bring you content and you get tons of Patreon Only Rewards on the Patreon page. Choose Level - $1 - $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 - $500 - $1,000 BUY A SHIRT | GET MERCH CLICK HERE FREE AUDIBLE AUDIO BOOK Get Yourself A Free Audio Book And Support The Show At The Same Time!  You often hear TruthSeekah drop the names of a few books that have motivated him in his spiritual journey, two being The Final Quest by Rick Joyner and The Alchimest by Paulo Coelho. These books are available on Audible.  Click Here To Get Your FREE Book