Bhakti Yoga Spirituality & Comparative Religions | Dhanya

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

In this episode TruthSeekah is joined by Dhanya as the two discuss Bhakti Yoga Spirituality and the similarities between Christianity and other ancient religions. Comparative theology and syncretism is a huge topic on The TruthSeekah Podcast and this episode explores some of the practices that show that spirituality and awakening are universal concepts regardless of religion. As stated in the show Dhanya comes from an eclectic background and even had early roots in Roman Catholicism and points out the emphasis on what some would call goddess worship or the divine feminine as venerated through the mother mary or The Queen of Heaven as she is also called in the Bible. In order for us to grow as a people we cannot be afraid of conversation with people from other traditions or faiths. As we have learned from this show on many occasions we really have more in common with people than we have differences. In religion we are taught to focus on the things that "set us apart" but the essence of spirituality teaches us to find common ground and with much avail there is a lot to build upon. Bhakti Yoga comes from the Hindu tradition where there are references to many gods, goddesses and deities. There is contention within the faith that says that maybe these deities are to be taken literal while other purpose that they are but artistic representations of the human psyche or cognitive experience. These contentions are very similar to those found within branches of the Christian tradition seeing as most would take the Bible literal and word for word while others see the beauty of the allegory written therein. Also mentioned in this episode is the fact that it doesn't matter if these gods literally existed or if the Biblical characters once lived, it does not negate the power of the story and allegory. The two faiths if looked at subjectively have more in common than not. As Billy Graham stated "God has called out for himself a remnant of people for his namesake and many of them have never even heard the name of Jesus but by their actions they know God deep down within". This is what draws us together and is essentially what the new covenant is which is mentioned in the Holy Bible " I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord." Jeremiah 31:31-34. This text says that God would reveal himself to everyone and nobody would have to "teach you to know God". Our conscious declares the law of God written on our hearts. God is willing to deal with anyone as long as they turn from their wickedness. SOCIAL CONNECT WITH TRUTHSEEKAH ON SOCIAL MEDIA iTunes - Facebook - YouTube - Twitter - Email - SUPPORT THE SHOW BECOME A MEMBER via PATREON AND GET REWARDS!!! We do not exist without the help of our Patrons! Running a professional podcast is very costly and has many monthly fees. If you enjoy the content please consider coming on board as a partner at any level. You enable me to continue to bring you content and you get tons of Patreon Only Rewards on the Patreon page. Choose Level - $1 - $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 - $500 - $1,000 BUY A SHIRT | GET MERCH CLICK HERE FREE AUDIBLE AUDIO BOOK Get Yourself A Free Audio Book And Support The Show At The Same Time!  You often hear TruthSeekah drop the names of a few books that have motivated him in his spiritual journey, two being The Final Quest by Rick Joyner and The Alchimest by Paulo Coelho. These books are available on Audible.  Click Here To Get Your FREE Book