Christalignment | New Age, Occult and Jesus | Interview With Jenny

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah is joined by Jenny from Christalignment as they speak about Christalignment, New Age, The Occult and Jesus. Christalignment have a beautiful ministry where they share the light of Christ in places that most churchgoers would never dare to go. The work that they are doing is embracing their own unique spiritual giftings and abilities to show people the great light of Christ and it is powerful and effective! I first heard about them through their use of Destiny Cards, something that people were calling Christian Tarot Cards. Some of my friends who knew that I am interested in some of the deeper things of the Spirit and knew that I had posted about using cards myself as a believer sent me articles on Christaligment's and Bethel Church's involvement and connection with them. The majority of what you find from the Christian community concerning Christalignment is a bunch of heresy and exposing videos from YouTubers warning people about Christalignment. My conversation with Jenny (one of the founders of Christalignment) was a huge blessing and it was a pleasure to hear about the miraculous things happening on a daily basis concerning their efforts to show Christ to those marginalized by most of the church. Ministry seems to be a way of life for Jenny and the Christalignment team versus a badge or degree and it really shows. The church of the west has mostly lost its way when it comes to the spiritual gifts. There are a few ministries and denominations that specialize in teaching and cultivating one's own spiritual giftings, the ones given to each person freely by the Father (Such as Morningstar Ministries and Bethel Church). This has led many Christians who are having supernatural encounters that they cannot explain to ask bigger questions about what they are experiencing spiritually, and many in the western church simply respond with "It's Demonic". It doesn't matter what it is; anything outside of the Christian norm is labeled demonic and has led to pastors and leaders trying to "pray away" supernatural encounters from God leaving the person baffled because after the prayer the encounters don't stop. This happened to me as a youth full of the Holy Ghost and I began to receive dreams and visions in the night from God about future things that were going to happen within our local church body. I went to a pastor to tell him about the dream and he said it didn't sound right and it could be demonic. He then led me in a prayer for God to shut the dreams down. I left the meeting feeling discouraged and let down. I did not feel in any way that this was something "from the devil". The dream came through as a warning with signs and symbols and other churches involved. We ended up going to a small home group for prayer on Thursday night and the couple whose house the meetings were held at were very much involved in the prophetic movement and believed that God still speaks exactly like He did in the Bible. I shared my dream with them and they had a book about interpreting dreams. It was uncanny how many prophetic symbols were in the dream once they helped me understand the dream symbolism. A few weeks later the warning in the dream came to pass and the pastor was removed from that church. Once he left many of the congregation left to go to neighboring churches as that church was left to rebuild and restructure. I believe that within the five fold ministry we can be so close to the Father's heart and each person can specialize in their own unique gifting and ability so thoroughly that the church begins to function as a living organism rather than an organization. TruthSeekah New Guided Meditation | The Throneroom Visualization 👽Help Keep The TruthSeekah Podcast On The Air!👽 ⭐️ Become A Patron And Support TruthSeekah 📚 Get Access To The School of the Mystics Thursdays @7pm cen 💿 TruthSeekahs...