Gina Gardiner | Thriving Not Surviving

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah speaks with Gina Gardiner about her new book "Thriving, Not Surviving".  Gina talks about the importance of spirituality within her life and how she at her most vulnerable moment used her biggest obstacle to become her biggest stepping stone in life. Setbacks are a slingshot and can be used to propel us into our next season and level of progress towards our destiny. The journey is more important than the end or the start and I believe that every place that we arrive at on our journey it's for valuable lessons to be learned. Many people have their switches set to default, and we have been programmed on how to simply survive when indeed is our God given right to THRIVE. Thrive in every area of our lives, thrive and prosper even as our soul prospers in the levels of finance, health family and so on. Gina is a best-selling author who teaches her clients how to live their best life now and take advantage of the blessings in the Life by changing the quality of the thoughts.  👽Help Keep The TruthSeekah Podcast On The Air!👽 ⭐️ Become A Patron And Support TruthSeekah 📚 Get Access To The School of the Mystics Thursdays @7pm cen 💿 TruthSeekahs Full Discography & Unreleased Music 👉 Download This Episode On iTunes - Download On Android - 👍Facebook 🐦Twitter 🔴Reddit 📷Instagram 💬Join Our Discord Chat 👕 SHIRTS 🌕OFFICIAL 🅿DONATE VIA PAYPAL 📖Get Your FREE Audio Book! 📧 Send Mail To TruthSeekah P.O. Box 333 Creola Al, 36525 USA