Growing As An Empath | Crystal Sunshine

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

Crystal Sunshine is a psychic healer and empath helping individuals reach their full potential in their own psychic abilities. In this episode TruthSeekah and Crystal speak about growing as an empath and some of the things that people who are empathic can do to protect themselves in public. Many people speak about becoming too overwhelmed to even go out in public because of their own empathy. Unless you learn how to balance the energies you will remain a victim rather than victor even within your own personal headspace. There are practical techniques that help you to bring your awareness to center and even at times turn off this  inner intuition. You may feel very intimidated when particular people get near you or even feel as if these people are a threat. This is a very overwhelming feeling of immediate danger and has caused many to hyperventilate and become short of breath. Rest assured that you are not alone if this has ever happened to you in public and without any explanation. This is know Biblically as the discernment of spirits or in spiritual circles your psychic intuition. Many times Jesus would approach a crowd and immediately "know their hearts". We must learn to use these abilities that are our God-given tools and birthrights to assist in the healing of humanity. In this conversation TruthSeekah and Crystal Sunshine speak about how some of the deep esoteric truths are merely shadows of practical things that we can do in our day to day lives to embrace our own inner divinity. Crystal offers private sessions and also operates an online psychic school to help students develop their own giftings such as Clairvoyant Readings, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance. Which are all psychic abilities that play off of our five senses but are honed in by using our sixth.     SOCIAL CONNECT WITH TRUTHSEEKAH ON SOCIAL MEDIA iTunes - Facebook - YouTube - Twitter - Email - SUPPORT THE SHOW BECOME A MEMBER via PATREON AND GET REWARDS!!! We do not exist without the help of our Patrons! Running a professional podcast is very costly and has many monthly fees. If you enjoy the content please consider coming on board as a partner at any level. You enable me to continue to bring you content and you get tons of Patreon Only Rewards on the Patreon page. Choose Level - $1 - $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 - $500 - $1,000 BUY A SHIRT | GET MERCH CLICK HERE FREE AUDIBLE AUDIO BOOK Get Yourself A Free Audio Book And Support The Show At The Same Time!  You often hear TruthSeekah drop the names of a few books that have motivated him in his spiritual journey, two being The Final Quest by Rick Joyner and The Alchimest by Paulo Coelho. These books are available on Audible.  Click Here To Get Your FREE Book